5 Skill Development Websites

Are you stuck in a rut with your job search? We’ve put together a list of skill development websites designed to help you enhance your skills and expand your knowledge. Whether you want to add new skills to your resume, figure out what to do with your career, or take up a hobby in your free time, these websites will help you do just that!

There are many online resources that can help you expand your knowledge, no matter where your interests lie. There are websites that offer courses, tutorials, talks, and helpful guides to learning a new skill or expanding your knowledge of any subject you are interested in. We’ve put together a list of our five favourite skill development websites to help develop your skills and expand your knowledge.

Our Top 5 Skill Development Websites



EDX offers online courses from universities around the world. There are hundreds of courses available on all different topics taught by professors from different universities. The courses range in start date and length allowing you to start a class as your schedule allows. And as a bonus, some of the courses allow you to go at your own pace instead of following a week to week schedule.

Click here to see a list of all courses currently offered on edx.org.



Duolingo offers you the opportunity to learn any language for free. Select the language you would like to learn from a list of possible tutorials and work at your own pace with helpful exercises to become a fluent speaker in the language of your choice!



Interested in learning to code? Codecademy can help teach you! Whether you’re a beginner looking to develop a hobby or an intermediate coder looking to sharpen your skills, this website offers courses and tutorials for every skill set. Choose the course or programming language you’d like to learn and you’ll be on your way!



Looking to expand your knowledge on a variety of topics? TED.com offers talks to help you develop a better understanding of many different subjects. The website offers videos where you can watch speakers who are passionate about their field teach you about their subject. Find a subject you’re interested in or find something you know nothing about and expand your knowledge, there is something for everyone on this site.

Check out this list of the most popular TED talks of all time to help get you started.


skill development websites

Develop your reading skills with the help of readspeeder.com. This website will help you learn to speed read by helping you comprehend the text you’re reading easier so you’re able to read it faster. You can choose from text they offer or upload your own text to practice with.

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