8 Networking Tips for Your New Years Party

Heading to a New Year’s party tomorrow? These types of parties can be a great opportunity to network! This time of year is the perfect chance to meet new people, socialize, and make contacts that could help your career in 2020.

We’ve put together a list of 8 simple networking tips to help you navigate and effectively network at your New Year’s Eve party this year.


8 Networking Tips for Your New Years Party

Say Hello

You may attend your New Years party with friends or a significant other but it would be a waste of an opportunity if you don’t mingle with the other guests. Most guests at a party don’t know everyone that is invited so the easiest way to start a conversation with someone is to walk up and say hello! This is the best way to open up the conversation and meet new people.

Introduce Yourself

Make sure that the other guests at the party know who you are. If you want to broaden your connections it is important that people know your story and know a bit about you. People will remember you if you make an impression so make sure to introduce yourself to as many people as possible and provide insight into who you are.

Ask Easy Questions

A simple way to start a conversation is to lead with a simple question. These questions can help get the conversation started and allow you to learn more about the person you are speaking with. ‘May I join you?’, ‘How do you know the host?’, and other similar opening questions help to ease the tension and get the other person talking.


Everyone is at the party to have a good time. Don’t be the person that sits in the corner by themselves. Smiling and being happy at the party will attract other people to you. Being personable is a great way to let other guests know you are open to a conversation.


While it’s important to help move the conversation along and have a back and forth with the person you’re talking to, it is also important not to hog the conversation. Actually listening to the answers someone else gives you is crucial to networking. You want to make sure to learn as much about the person you are conversing with as they are learning about you.

Share Your Passion

A great way to connect with others, specifically strangers/acquaintances is to share your interests and passions. When you’re passionate about something and share that with others it shows. People respond to how others speak so when you speak with joy and enthusiasm others will respond positively to that energy and will have positive interactions with you.

Watch Your Body Language

Non-verbal cues are just as important as what you say when you are networking. Make sure to portray confidence in your body language and to keep your arms uncrossed.

Maintaining strong eye contact and keeping your physical appearance clean are simple ways to portray a strong, kept, and confident demeanor.

Follow Up

It is important to follow up with any good contacts you make at this New Year’s party. If you have a strong connection with someone and are given a business card or any indication they would like to hear from you be sure to follow up in the new year. This will open up the lines of communication and show that you were listening and are sincere in your intentions to connect with this individual.

  1. http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/223468
  2. http://www.theglobeandmail.com/report-on-business/careers/career-advice/10-tips-to-network-with-confidence/article10979390/
  3. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/09/networking-holiday-parties_n_4398987.html

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