World Kindness Day

Today is World Kindness Day. You don’t have to take much time out of your day to spread kindness; kindness can come in many small acts that can be performed throughout your regular day. In honour of World Kindness Day today we want to bring back our list of 10 small acts of kindness you can do at work to spread kindness with your co-workers today.

10 Act of Kindness for World Kindness Day


Try a few of these below to make your co-worker’s day a bit brighter today!

1.Do Your Part – make sure you’re doing your portion of the work to avoid making others pick up your slack.

2. Avoid Office Gossip – gossiping about co-workers can lead to hurt feelings and people feeling left out. Avoid gossiping about others and treat all coworkers equally and respectfully.

3. Say ‘Hello’ – not everyone is a morning person but it’s important to greet everyone with a smile and a ‘hello’ each morning. This small act will make everyone’s morning a bit brighter.

4. Avoid Strong Smelling Foods – no one likes to have a dominating food smell take over the workplace. Be considerate of others when deciding what to bring for lunch and save the strong smelling foods for at home.

5. Give Proper Credit/Praise – everyone loves to be recognized for the hard work they do. If you see someone has done a great job tell them! It will brighten their day and encourage their hard work.

6. Ask Other’s Input – if you’re having a tough time with a project ask one of your co-workers for help. Everyone loves to feel included and coming to them will show that you recognize the value in their ideas.

7. Respect Other People’s Time – everyone’s time should be respected. Don’t take up their day with gossip or non-work related things. Your co workers have deadlines they have to meet and will respect and appreciate you giving them the time they need to complete their work.

8. Don’t Pass Blame – If you are approached negatively by management about your work be sure to take responsibility for the work you did. Passing blame to your co-workers does not help the situation and will strain your relationship with your co-workers and make future partnerships difficult.

9. Treat Others With Respect – it’s important to respect each person and treat them with dignity. This includes avoiding inappropriate jokes and treating everyone equally and fairly, your co-workers will respect you for it.

10. Be Compassionate – while work is important and is the reason you’re interacting with these individuals every day it is also very important to be open with your co-workers and to be compassionate and empathetic to their situation. If someone needs to talk or take a moment for themselves be respectful of their needs and work together toward a solution. We’re all human and if we can all be compassionate towards others it will brighten everyone’s day and make everyone’s work life better.

Get out there and spread kindness today!

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