Good Manners & the 3 Principles of Etiquette

Today is ‘Bring Your Manners to Work Day’ and while we should all bring our manners to work every day it never hurts to share a reminder on a day like today and make sure that everyone conducts themselves in a way that portrays good manners in the workplace.

Good Manners & the 3 Principles of Etiquette

Manners are important because they outline the basics of how we should behave and how we expect others to behave towards us. All manners traditionally convey one or more of the 3 Principles of Etiquette: Respect, Consideration, and Honesty.

good manners

1. Respect

Respect involves acknowledging someone else’s worth and doing intentional acts to show that you care about another person.

This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as:

  • Giving someone your full attention
  • Not interrupting someone when they are speaking or working
  • Dressing appropriately for any given situation
  • Speaking appropriately/not speaking down to someone
  • Not participating in unkind jokes or taunting
  • Shaking hands

2. Consideration

Consideration means having empathy for another person and conducting yourself through thoughtful behaviour when interacting with someone else.

This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as:

  • Saying please and thank you
  • Holding a door open for someone
  • Chewing with your mouth closed
  • Saying excuse me
  • Offering to help when you can
  • Staying home when you are sick
  • Being on time


Honesty is the act of being truthful, acting sincerely, and acting with integrity.

This principle of etiquette can be conveyed in manners such as:

  • Not participating in gossip
  • Not lying or cheating to get ahead
  • Giving praise
  • Taking accountability for your actions
  • Settle any disagreements in a responsible and calm manner

Always remember to display good manners while in the workplace and follow the 3 principles of etiquette (Respect, Consideration, and Honesty) to ensure that you are conducting yourself appropriately while at work.


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